
Best Practices for optimising sleep

Based on NZZ: "Schnell einschlafen, die ganze Nacht durchschlafen und morgens erholt aufwachen โ€“ das kennen viele gar nicht mehr".

Sleep pressure

Sleep pressure is built in cells during waking hours. The act of sleeping resets this. However sleep pressure can also be reset partly before sleeping, e.g. with a short nap. This is not ideal as it makes it harder to fall asleep when you really want to sleep and it promotes having breaks during the sleep at night.

Reset instructions

In order to reset ones sleeping behaviour the following steps are helpful:

  1. Go to bed late and wake up early. This helps to increase sleeping pressure and compresses the nightly sleep. It helps you sleep fully throughout the night. Once your sleep is compressed you can increase the sleep window by 15min every day until you've reached your ideal sleep time. If you have trouble falling asleep or sleeping fully through the night you can reduce this window again by 15min.

  2. No reading/phone/tv in bed. Only sleep. Do all other activities elsewhere.

  3. Turn off devices with screen 2h before bed. (Obviously impossible - I won't do this ๐Ÿ™ƒ)

  4. Keep the same sleeping schedule during weekdays and weekends

  5. Sleep by lower temperatures (18ยฐC)

  6. Stop enforcing productivity 2h before sleeping. If you have a lot of things on your mind, write them down on a todo list and put it away for the next day.

  7. Coffee and alcohol disturb sleep. Skip or limit to use before early afternoon.

Sleep length

Only for a small percentage of people is 6h enough sleep. Ideally you should have 7h or more sleep for cognitive top performance.

Time to fall asleep

For a healthy human it should take 12min to fall asleep.



  • 7 sleep myths that are making you tired (YouTube: Ali Abdaal)

    • Cycadian rythem -> being awake when there is light, some receptors in the eye are specifically used only to measure light

    • Chronotype -> see test, morning vs. intermediate vs. evening person

    • Do you need 8h sleep? -> No it depends on the person, a healthy amount of sleep can range from 6 - 11h per day

    • Blue light before sleep? -> doesn't seriously affect sleep

  • Chronotype self test: Used to determine the chronotype of a person, e.g. morning person, evening etc.

Last updated