โ˜•VoxxedDays Zurich 2024

Cool Java Stuff

JPA & Hibernate

  • Digma shows suspected n+1 problems for code & DB performance issues

  • DB Connection Pool sizing: keep pool small, 10 connections is enough

  • Disable: jpa.open-in-view

  • Use TransactionTemplate instead of @Transactional

    • can mark only part of a method to run in a transaction

  • use getReferenceById instead of fetching data from DB

  • n+1 problem: for every query we execute one more query to fetch data

    • solve with @Query to fetch additional fields or @EntityGraph

  • @DynamicUpdate. only updates changed fields -> but costs more memory/cpu

  • Hibernate Hypersistence Optimizer runs as a test and shows you bad db configurations -> not free

    • alternative: quickperf, doesn't support newest spring boot yet but has workaround

      • can make test with @ExpectedSelect/Delete etc. to verify the number of db calls

  • Fetch projections instead of entities for reading data. Only fetch entites when we want to modify them.

Spring Boot

  • Enable virtual threads: spring.threads.virutal.enabled = true (default false)

  • Use TestContainers @Testcontainers annotation. Can connect to a docker container directly from the test.

  • docker compose support in spring boot -> spring-boot-docker-compose

  • store the spring boot fat jar in an exploded fashion in a docker container is better for performance (both boot and resource access)

Cool sites

Cool IntelliJ Stuff

  • Distraction free mode for focused work -> shortcut

  • set custom project icon -> icon.png in idea folder

  • Live template cmd+j

    • probably not really needed that much anymore due to AI

  • Debugging

    • Expression Breakpoints in line for streams/lambdas

      • In Debugger: Trace Current Stream Chain -> visualises how the chain looks like

    • Interface Breakpoints

    • shift-click on variable, then side gutter -> have advanced tooling for breakpoint, can evaluate e.g. x = null everytime when the code runs by the breakpoint

    • Analyze dataflow: can see how many branches reach the same code

    • Have breakpoint only active if previous non suspending breakpoint was reached, can help to only get to specific state of method

Cool AI Stuff


Priming tips

  • Tell it: start every response with >, to produce markdown, then you see when it runs out of context

  • Improve personal base prompt to reduce length a bit

  • Base prompt

    • no ai disclosure

    • tell it how it should respond: asciidoc, prefered libraries etc.

  • prime the context with small-talk

Solving problems

  • When uploading documents, tell it to summarise before starting work

  • Images in pdfs etc. are ignored, upload them separatly and ask it to understand

  • Tell it to ask questions about the task

  • Ask it to repeat the task you want to solve

  • Rephrase the prompt instead of making a new prompt to keep the context shorter and to prevent poisoning the session with bad information.

  • Let the system first describe with text the context and then ask it e.g. for a plant uml diagram

    • Ask the model to first explain how it would solve the problem

Java ML

  • Classical programming vs. machine learning

    • Classical programming -> we define the rules and the machine follows them to get an output

    • Machine learning -> we let the machine figure out the rules to automate the task

  • Java Libs for ML

  • recommendation: DJL, it's an interface to the real engines (pytorch etc.)

    • has pretrained model for tagging images, etc. z.B: resNet

    • easy to integrate

Companies present at VoxxedDays

Redhat, ZKB, BJB, 47North, claranet, ELCA, 42Talents, Axa

Last updated